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Georgia legislature committee passes English as official language resolution HR 413

I would post a media report on this important news story if I could only find one, I think a few of the local TV stations did a story at 6PM yesterday while I was still at Capitol.

Good news from yesterday!

Despite the angry, race baiting howls from Gerardo (Jerry) E. Gonzalez (HERE [1]) and the other anti-English language open borders proponents yesterday, Representative Tim Bearden’s House Resolution 413 passed its first committee.

It looks like the local media may be keeping this one a secret today!

This resolution is merely aimed at letting the voters of Georgia decide in November if we will amend the Georgia constitution to make English the official language. It must pass by a two thirds vote in the Senate and the House, so this is merely the beginning of the journey, but an important first step.

PLEASE call your state Reps and Senators to let them know that you want this to be on the ballot in November! Locate your elected officials here [2].

Please call Rep. Tim Bearden’s office [3] to say THANK YOU! – He has taken a lot of abuse and been called a lot of names for this.

Many of us watched the House Judiciary (non-civil) committee ( nearly 3 hours) yesterday and many pro-English Americans spoke. The saddest part of the day was when we had to listen to the Georgia Representatives who voted to NO to allowing Georgia voters to decide this important issue in November make speeches saying that it was “clearly divisive” “anti-immigrant” “anti-refugee” and “aimed at our friendly neighbors to the south…”. Yada Yada.

Reminder to those legislators: If you mean Mexico: That sovereign nation has an official language…the U.S. does not. From me personally: A great big “YUCK!” !