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ADL attack brings assistance from Americans: WE GET MAIL

D.A. –

We read about the Anti-Defamation League and their attack [1] on your organization.

You know if the liberals can’t think hard enough to counter you with logic, the first thing they do is default to screaming “That’s HATE SPEECH!!!” We have been looking for an organization such as yours to join. We own a house off Powder Springs Rd near the Square and are appalled at the obvious influx of illegal aliens [2] living (and
driving) all around us. I have taken part in local anti-illegal immigration rallies sponsored by WSB radio. My boyfriend is a marketing coordinator and he says to tell you he is willing to help you in any way he can. I am an excellent writer. We don’t have much money to donate but we do have a little time.

We will stand up with you anywhere to promote securing our borders and deporting illegals.

Please let me know where and when your organization has its meetings.
A.T. & T.M.

Note from D.A. Thanks very much, we haven’t had meetings, but maybe it is time we started.