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SB 529, GEORGIA STATE SENATOR CHIP ROGERS’ LAW: ENFORCEMENT WORKS! The status quo is changing in Georgia – video here

“The status quo is unacceptable [1]
George W. Bush – President of the United States – June, 2007 in his unrelenting push for amnesty-again.

The status quo is changing in Georgia.
D.A. King

Most Americans recognize that if George Bush had any intention of securing American borders, he would have done so on September 11, 2001.

He has not. [2]

Most Americans recognize that the illegal immigration crisis in America did not happen overnight and will not be solved overnight or by another amnesty.

Most Americans will no longer suffer the false logic that because it would likely be impossible to deport more than 20 million people all at once we must legalize them…like we did in 1986.

What about self-deportation?

The real solution is strikingly easy to see: Attrition of the illegal alien and illegal employer population through enforcement of the American rule of law. Here in Georgia, we have worked very hard to create a climate in which illegals – both employers and aliens – will either begin to obey the law… or to leave.

Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers [3] authored the 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act [4](SB 529) and stood up against the inevitable derision [5]that comes with any demand that our borders be secured and our laws be equally applied. The plan was that a state law requiring compliance with and enforcement of federal law, illegals would look for more hospitable states in which to reside ( maybe Mexico?) – and stop coming to Georgia.

Most Americans should know that Chip Rogers is a great American hero.

To see that the Georgia law is accomplishing exactly what it was designed to do, please watch this two minute video from CBS 46 TV in Atlanta on YOUTUBE. [6] ( Sarah Parker reporting)

The status quo is unacceptable…including the president being allowed to go unpunished for his refusal to honor his oath of office and to enforce American law [7].

Most Americans understand: ENFORCEMENT WORKS and that the answer is Attrition through Enforcement [8].