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Not-So-Strange Bedfellows …pandering politicians and radical ethnic open borders fronts

NRO [1]

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Not-So-Strange Bedfellows [Mark Krikorian]

Not to be outdone by Arlen Specter [2], Lindsey Graham has become the latest pro-amnesty Republican senator to be feted by a left-wing, post-American racial identity group; he will be honored by the National Council of La Raza [3]at a gala next month. More on La Raza here [4]. Maybe I should start a pool to see who will be the next pro-amnesty Republican senator to accept an award from leftist open-borders advocates — maybe John McCain and Soros’s Open Society Institute? Mel Martinez and the Southern Poverty Law Center? Or maybe Sam Brownback and the National Lawyers Guild [5]? Such bipartisanship!