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NFL refuses to run a recruitment ad for the U.S. Border Patrol

NFL rejects Border Patrol ad
By Stephen Dinan and Jerry Seper
February 14, 2007

The National Football League refused to run a recruitment ad for the U.S. Border Patrol in last week’s Super Bowl program, saying it was “controversial” because it mentioned duties such as fighting terrorism and stopping drugs and illegal aliens at the border.

Note from D.A – see a list of Border Patrol Agents who have given their lives to secure American borders here. [1]

“The ad that the department submitted was specific to Border Patrol, and it mentioned terrorism. We were not comfortable with that,” said Greg Aiello, a spokesman for the NFL. “The borders, the immigration debate is a very controversial issue, and we were sensitive to any perception we were injecting ourselves into that.”

Read the rest from the Washington Times here. [2]