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The fix is in…either get active or watch as “they” denationalize your nation. Welcome to the New America

Presidential candidate George W. Bush stated in August 2000 in a speech on Latin America in Miami Florida:

“…By nominating me, my party has made a choice to welcome the New America [1].”

With that said:

The below comes straight out of the ” I wish I had written this [2]” category.

James P. Pinkerton in Newsday.com

At his first post-election press conference, Bush said of “comprehensive” immigration reform, “It’s an important issue and I hope we can get something done on it.”

So the fix is in. The wall is out. Get ready for a new America.

One might think that the Republican Party – the party that speaks of peace through strength, that pledges fidelity to traditional values, that sticks up for America’s special role in the world – would have nothing to do with such a mad plan for weakening and transforming America through unattended borders and wanton multiculturalism. Indeed, most grassroots Republicans, joined by many Democrats, are alarmed by these globalist ideas.

But the Republican Party is top-down. And at the top sit President George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and now Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), whom Bush named to the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. All three are solidly pro-immigration. This elite trio even supports a “guest worker” program, which would enshrine exactly the sort of two-tier labor system that Republicans fought against in the Civil War.

Mr. Pinkerton has it figured out…I hope that many of you will take a moment to ponder his words.

Read the rest here [3] …then call your U.S. Senator.

We are very close to losing our country.

We must all pick a side and then make our minds up to not let that happen. I have.