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Fast fact on enforcement of immigration and employment laws

Fast Fact: A strategy of attrition through enforcement could reduce the illegal population by as many as 1.5 million illegal aliens each year. Currently about 183,000 illegal aliens per year depart without the intervention of immigration officials, according to DHS statistics.

What is “attrition by enforcement”?

It is the concept that if we were to elect a government that would secure our borders and actually enforce our employment and immigration laws, illegal aliens would not be drawn to the U.S., would have a very difficult time entering our Republic illegally and would begin to self-deport… as Ceser Chavez realized [1], wages would begin to go up so that people in America could earn a living wage.

It is your basic “no-brainer”.

Read more here. [2]

Enforcement works…as has been proven by all too few examples of recent enforcement. [3]

We should remenber this: Real immigrants who are in the U.S. legally have no fear of work place enforcement and do not need fraudulaent documents to obtain a driver’s license or a job. Only illegal aliens do.