September 30, 2009

Illegal alien patients wary of offers to return to home countries

Posted by D.A. King at 8:50 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Illegal alien patients wary of offers to return to home countries

Going back to Mexico is not an option, said the 43-year-old man, kneeling next to his wife’s wheelchair. — His wife, 45, lost her eyesight to diabetes. She also has high blood pressure. And her kidneys are failing. — For years, he has taken her to a dialysis clinic attached to a public hospital in Atlanta, Georgia…


HAPPY DANCE! Another criminal employer fined for hiring black market labor

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Business & Legal Reports

Illegal aliens cost company $1.5 million plus

Shipley Do-Nut Flour and Supply Company, Inc., of Houston, has been ordered to forfeit more than $1.3 million to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and pay a criminal fine of $250,000 for harboring illegal aliens. In addition, the company’s president pleaded guilty in Houston District Court…


A Note from Glenn Spencer

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Note from Glenn Spencer

I just got in from flying the border. We documented, among other things, a growing list of holes in the border fence, apparently created to let water through (but that’s not all). See Photo of the Day. I see that Numbers USA let us know that the House is debating the border fence question. I cannot think of a more important issue. I hope everyone contacts his or her member of the House and urge them to finish the border fence.


Working Man’s Views on Illegal Immigration, Tricks of The Trade

Posted by D.A. King at 3:08 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the blog:


A Working Man’s Views on Illegal Immigration, Tricks of The Trade

by Karl Kiefer

Just about anyone in the construction trades can attest to the fact that – if illegal aliens were not hired in the first place, then the availability of work for all of us documented Americans would increase. I’m one of those tradesmen whose livelihood has been disrupted by the influx of illegal aliens into this country. I have been fortunate to work in surroundings where contact with illegal aliens is common and where it is not. I say fortunate because, through first hand experience, I have observed the opposing viewpoints of this issue, as well as, the opinions of those who are not as acutely aware of it.

My opinions are supported by both personal experiences and facts. Some of the information (personal experience) given here is factual, but extremely hard to verify. The parties involved would have to incriminate themselves in order to confirm it. Those parties, obviously, would be hesitant to kill the cash cow, so to speak, in the name of legality.

I’ve personally heard contractors and builders state that the reason they hire illegal immigrants is because they can’t find Americans that will do the work. This smoke screen is a ruse used by dishonest employers trying to divert our attention away from their illegal activities. The fact is, there are plenty of Americans who want to, and will, work. The obvious question is – why are illegal aliens being hired to do these jobs if there are already U.S. citizens ready, willing, and able to do them? The short answer is greed.

Many employers in the construction industry are notorious for this. Undocumented workers are used in order to reduce labor costs in the areas of workers’ compensation and liability insurance, unemployment insurance, and “lower than prevailing rate” wages. They are not interested in hiring American citizens because they know they would have to pay them a fair wage, as well as covering the other associated costs of using documented workers.

Illegal workers will work for less money because, being undocumented, they rarely pay employment taxes or any related insurance costs. Contractors exploit the illegals’ fear of immigration officials (La Migra), and the resultant silence stemming from that fear, for the purpose of fattening their own wallets. Too bad the prices these builders charge for the goods they provide don’t reflect their reduced production costs. Although reduced quality, is often the result.

In the residential home building sector, these “undocumented workers” do not have business licenses, liability insurance, and tax documentation. Why? Because of the obvious fact that they are illegal aliens. Yet they still find plenty of work because the contractors who hire them have various ways to get around those pesky legalities. Those loopholes, while almost always illegal, are always unethical and always in the contractor’s favor, financially.

One trick commonly used by employers who pay variable rates based on the number of employees, is to insure only one person. Basically, the crooked builder/contractor gambles on the chance that nobody will get hurt on the job, thereby saving premium costs. If no one gets hurt then there will be no bothersome attention paid to the project. In the unlikely event someone does get hurt, the gamble is protected by the “happy coincidence” that the injured party’s name always seems to be the same as the one listed in the insurance paperwork. The ploy is further enhanced by the fact that, attempting to reliably identify undocumented workers is – well . . . unreliable. This tactic is a blatant case of insurance fraud. Fines and/or temporary loss of business licenses will not sufficiently end this behavior. Jail time for first offenders, is the message that needs to be sent!

Of course, the whole concept is additionally flawed by the incorrect assumption that there will be few, if any, job related accidents. In an environment where quantity is the only production goal, neither quality nor safety, even enter into the equation. This skewed set of priorities increases the chance of injury. It’s a perfect example of “penny-wise, pound-foolish”. The problem is, this seemingly perfect script for an edition of “Dumb Crook News” has been working out nicely for underhanded contractors and illegal aliens alike. These crooks often go unnoticed (and unpunished) by exploiting vague, ineffectual, or nonexistent laws. The offenders are further emboldened by rare, often pre-announced, job site inspections by insurance company representatives.

Legislation that would close these loopholes, along with more frequent unannounced inspections would bring this practice to an end. In any case, insurance companies need to know about this scam.

Another strategy dishonest builders employ is to make sure they are not directly connected (through employer/employee relationships) to the illegal immigrant workers. They use a middleman of sorts. It goes something like this.

The building contractor hires a documented subcontractor (often an American) who will be the party receiving payment for the work being done. This “sub” already has a crew of undocumented, illegal workers on the payroll. The illegal workers get paid in cash, leaving no paper trail. The “sub” then hides the cash outlay in their tax return as a cost of doing business. This scheme effectively insulates the builder from any documented contact with illegal aliens and lets them fall back on the excuse . . . “I didn’t hire them. They don’t work for me. They work for . . . (insert name here).” I have been present when statements like this have been made. These greedy individuals are cutting the legs out from under their own countrymen. Why? For a bigger bank account. To me, they’re no better than war profiteers or drug dealers!

Illegal workers are brought in, presumably, as a cure to offset high business costs. But their presence, whether proven or otherwise, has already created an unknown, high risk liability issue which increases insurance costs. The hiring of undocumented workers by dishonest, money hungry business owners and contractors, is not the cure for high insurance costs. Instead, it is one of the direct causes.

In the building industry, this illegal behavior causes a “snowball effect,” felt in virtually every area of the industry. This includes higher business costs for those that don’t hire illegal aliens, the loss of jobs for skilled U.S. citizens, and the resulting fallout from this unemployment. In some states, insurance premiums for the small subcontractors are so high that they are effectively forced out of business. Their absence creates a void, which the more amply funded contractors fill with crews staffed by illegal immigrants. The operators who suffer the most are the ones who refuse to sacrifice their law abiding and patriotic ethics for the sake of larger profits.

Quality is the next victim on the snowball’s downhill journey. It gets hit from two sides. First, the boss wants as much work as possible, done for the least amount of money. That’s understandable . . . except that the cost savings isn’t passed on to the customer. It’s pocketed, leaving us with products which are built with an emphasis on quantity over quality. If you’ve ever tried to lay brick on a wall above a front porch that wobbles and sways under your weight alone (not to mention the weight of the materials you are working with) you know what I’m talking about.

Equally important, is the fact that many illegal aliens here in the U.S. are transient in nature. That is, they plan to stay here only long enough to earn the amount of money they think they need to go back home and live well. Because they‘re not here for the long haul, they don’t care about the virtue of having a good reputation, built through years of quality workmanship. Their objective is to get in and out as fast as possible, with as much cash as possible and don’t look back. That is one of the reasons why they are such a good fit for the unscrupulous builders out there!

Construction crews comprised wholly of illegal aliens often acquire jobs by undercutting the competition. Competition is a healthy attribute of a free market economy when accomplished with honesty. But, because they operate in the shadows of our legal system, illegals don’t adhere to the concept of honesty to achieve their goals. This particular group of illegal aliens doesn’t trouble with the usual administrative business costs which legal tradespeople must comply with. As a result, they can afford to charge less for work performed.

One suggestion I’ve heard to return fairness to the area of job bidding is to convince illegal aliens to join construction trade unions. Presumably, their membership would require them to charge the same rates that legal tradespeople do, effectively removing the unfairness. I believe this short sighted solution is the brainchild of a knee jerk reaction that has not been developed to its logical conclusion.

Granted, the above solution builds its foundation on a point of fact. It is true that these illegal immigrants undercut their competition via the use of unlawful means. However, their illegal status not withstanding, rewarding illegal immigrants with higher wages will not reduce competition. In fact, the higher earning potential in any region where this absurd idea is implemented would undoubtedly draw more illegals into the picture.

Supporters of this ill-conceived idea fail to recognize another significant factor. Construction jobs are “. . . a prime draw . . .” for illegal immigrants seeking work in the U.S., according to D.H.S. head, Janet Napolitano. Based on Sec. Napolitano’s statement, it is reasonable to assume that illegal immigrant workers would naturally be drawn to a region offering higher earning potential. This assumption is supported by historical evidence which clearly establishes an invariable tendency, by illegal immigrants, to migrate towards regions where greater economic opportunities exist.

This begs a question. Will the new found earnings of these – still illegal aliens – be used to help pay taxes on the roads they use every day, the schools their children go to, their own medical insurance (as opposed to government funded “free” programs)? Will they incur any and every cost necessary to their business that their competition is paying? Will the same be true of the new illegals that will be drawn in by this higher earning potential?

A scheme to include illegal aliens in such organizations would, presumably, require some sort of adjustment to their status as illegal aliens. In my opinion, the above solution is no more than another example of “back door policies” which will lead us steadily to the inevitable conclusion of a blanket amnesty. At which point, such an amnesty could be used to, “just tidy up a couple of loose ends”.

Just as there is no single “magic bullet” solution for America’s current economic dilemma, there is no simple cure for our dysfunctional immigration system. Ineffectual, ill-defined laws created by policy makers with suspect intentions have achieved their goal. They have resulted in unrestrained illegal immigration and flagrant abuse of the legal immigration system.

Any list of solutions to keep the long term viability of American citizens secure, has to include the following: 1. Nationwide implementation of E-Verify 2. Harsh “first offense” penalties for dishonest employers of illegal aliens 3. Legislation aimed at ending chain migration. 4. An honest revamping of current legal immigration standards, with an eye towards lowering overall numbers. 5. Clearly worded laws to punish those who exploit the legal immigration system. 6. Resounding defeat of any mass amnesty legislation.

These are measures that are vital. They will help America keep our citizens and legal immigrants employed and safe from foreign terrorists, save our tax dollars, maintain production quality and safety on a national scale, and prevent rising insurance and health care costs.


September 29, 2009

TOM TANCREDO – The SPLC’s pro-amnesty, anti-free speech agenda

Posted by D.A. King at 9:48 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Tom Tancredo — Right Side News — Kennesaw, Ga.

The SPLC’s pro-amnesty, anti-free speech agenda

Recently I spoke at a college in New York State. After my speech, a student handed me one of his text books entitled Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education in a Diverse America. — Given the title, I didn’t expect sympathetic treatment. However, I was still shocked to see myself quoted as saying, “illegal immigrants were ‘coming to kill you and kill me and our families.'” …


September 28, 2009

Let’s think twice about growth by immigration

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“You have to ask yourself what’s so good about rapid population growth. And it’s not good enough to say it makes the economy grow faster. From a narrow materialistic point of view, immigration-fed growth in the economy is good only if it raises the real average incomes of the pre-existing population”

Syndey Morning Herald

Let’s think twice about growth by immigration

SO YOU think Australia has escaped a ”technical” recession? Actually, if you look at what’s happened to real gross domestic product per person, you’ll see it has fallen in three of the past five quarters. Over the past 15 months, it has contracted by 1.5 per cent.

In other words, remarkably rapid growth in Australia’s population has been a little acknowledged factor helping to hold up the economy, along with interest rate and budgetary stimulus and growth in the volume of exports.

We learnt last week that, in the year to March, our population grew by 2.1 per cent, its fastest in almost 40 years.

Although our low birth rate is up a little, almost two-thirds of that growth came from net immigration. This net inflow of almost 280,000 people is 20 per cent higher than the previous record year and several times the level that has been typical until relatively recently.

It puts Australia among the fastest growing developed countries. And when Treasury plugged a much higher level of immigration into its projections for 2050, it foresaw a population of 35 million, 6.5 million more than it was expecting just three years ago…


September 27, 2009

U.S. job seekers exceeded openings by record ratio…we need more workers ?

Posted by D.A. King at 9:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

New York Times

U.S. job seekers exceeded openings by record ratio

Despite signs that the economy has resumed growing, unemployed Americans now confront a job market that is bleaker than ever in the current recession, and employment prospects are still getting worse. — Job seekers now outnumber openings six to one, the worst ratio since the government began tracking open positions in 2000…


September 26, 2009

and the beat goes on… No prison for business owners in illegal alien-hiring case

Posted by D.A. King at 10:56 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Seattle Times

No prison for business owners in illegal alien-hiring case

Two owners of a Bellingham, Wash., company won’t have to go to prison for hiring undocumented workers, but the business must pay a $100,000 fine. — A guilty plea was entered Monday in U.S. District Court on behalf of Yamato Engine Specialists 1990 Ltd…


Nevada’s jobless rate could hit 17 percent – more labor, amnesty needed?

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Las Vegas Sun

Nevada’s jobless rate could hit 17 percent

One of the state’s leading economists forecast the jobless rate reaching 17 percent before it begins to decline. — The worse-case scenario is the jobless rate reaching 17 percent, said Keith Schwer, director of UNLV’s Business and Economic Research Center, who gave the most pessimistic estimate…


September 25, 2009

Warning to the House leadership and the White House

Posted by D.A. King at 4:02 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Another Warning on Amnesty

Mark Krikorian, Center for Immigration Studies

September 25, 2009

There was an important vote on a minor procedural matter Wednesday on the floor of the House. Arizona’s Rep. Raul Grijalva, a leftist open-borders guy (and I don’t mean liberal — MEChA member, 100% rating from the ACLU, etc.) sponsored a bill to create new national-park area along the border. Republicans in committee smelled a rat and attempted to insert an amendment that stipulated that the Border Patrol would be permitted to operate in the new area, but were rebuffed; the amendment’s needed because the Department of Interior has reportedly interfered with efforts to patrol border lands under its jurisdiction. Well, Republicans decided to try to pull a procedural motion in the full House to force the issue, assuming they’d lose but at least be able to make a political point.

Instead, once it became clear to the Democrats the trouble that Grijalva could be getting them into, they started running like lemmings. As Roy Beck tells it (“yes” is the pro-enforcement vote):

Suddenly just before the end of the voting, we saw that two or three Democrats who had voted NO were switching their votes to YES.

* Then, all but three of the rest of the Republicans arrived and cast YES votes.

* The Democratic tally went up to 40.

* And then the dam burst, with the rest of the Democrats finally casting their votes, with most of them voting YES!

* Many more Democrats who had voted NO earlier now saw that the amendment was going to pass anyway and switched to YES because they knew their constituents would prefer a YES.

In those final frenzied minutes of voting, the tally went from around 205-205 to 259-167.

A total of 38 Democrats changed from NO to YES.

The number of Democrats voting for pro-border-enforcement went from 37 to 85.

Now, the specific issue was a minor one, but coming on the heels of so many Democrats, including the president, running from the immigration issue on health care, I expect the pro-amnesty hardliners have got to be pretty discouraged. Also, the fact that every single Republican voting was on the right side — even the three Florida Cubans, who have grades of F on immigration — is a warning to the House leadership and the White House that they’re not going to take an amnesty push lying down.


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