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Video: D.A. King on Arizona immigration law with anti-enforcement advocate

Here are three videos from April 26, 2010 of D.A. King debating anti-enforcement advocate Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO.


Jerry Gonzalez, smear huckster, loses enforcement debate. In this debate with D.A. King of The Dustin Inman Society on the new Arizona immigration law SB 1070, Gonzalez resorts to name-calling and race-baiting.


Jerry Gonzalez, smear huckster, contends: I misspoke but will continue to smear pro-enforcement Americans. In this debate with D.A. King of The Dustin Inman Society on the new Arizona immigration law SB 1070, Gonzalez resorts to name-calling and race-baiting.

D.A. King debates the new Arizona immigration law with anti-enforcement advocate: